PARISH MEETINGS -- The annual individual parish meetings took place on Tuesday, when the villages hosted a talk by PC Paul Kirkham, our local beat officer stationed in Kington. With the regular parish council meeting only a week away, the evening was effectively devoted to Crime Prevention in Rural Areas. Some half a dozen parishioners and the council heard a brief lecture; a display case of locks was available for inspection, together with a leaflet on crime, which we were urged not to take away, since it was the only one available. Following a short question and answer session the chairman thanked Pc Kirkham and the Community Officer for their enlightening talk.

PARISH COUNCIL PAPERS -- Amongst the pile of paper recently received by the parish council was the second issue of 'Speaking Out' for spring 2003; this, the magazine for the West Midlands Regional Assembly, is not normally the sort of publication to inspire much interest. Yet this large full colour glossy production does have its moments. The lead article, emblazoned on the front, says: "People in the West Midlands could get to vote on whether they want their own regional parliament as early as 2006". On the same page we are told that the Assembly, made up of 100 non-elected members, including Councillor Terry James to put the Hereford view," in April assumes responsibility for major land use and spatial planning policies, working alongside government... for which it will receive £750,000 for this role alone." The Government also announced that all regional assemblies would from April be designated Regional Planning Bodies. Perhaps the referendum in 2006 is coming a mite late.

STEALING WHEELS -- Had Alex followed PC Kirkham's advice about locking valuables in the car boot, we should not have had that phone call on Friday morning; but then, in all honesty, how many of you remove the steering wheel to a safer place when you exit your car? Not, at least, if it's the wheel of an elderly Astra, but clearly in Coventry the model is some sort of status symbol. Since eldest son is also currently playing at The Courtyard, we visited the local scrap yards, and found just how difficult it is to remove the wretched wheel; in fact, had Ken Bowen, by chance, not appeared and found a sledge hammer, we'd still be there. Back in Coventry we found the thieves had had the same problem, but they'd solved it without the delicacy of the sledge hammer, but rather with the finesse of a fine-toothed saw; the result being one less car on the road. Offers are eagerly waited for one superfluous steering wheel.

SPRING WALK -- The Friends of Westhope Spring Walk will be spent around the hill fort at Credenhill; meet in the square at Westhope at 11.00 am on Sunday, this week, with packed lunch and anti-rain votive offerings. All welcome.