SHREWSBURY Regatta brought excellent performances from Here-ford's women's rowing squad.

Saturday saw the women's senior four coxed four (C Boyd, P Jarvis, V Preedy, J Davies and cox S Wild) beat Leicester in the first round and then lost in the final to Demontfort University in a close fought race.

In the women's novice coxed four two crews were entered. Hereford B (J Perkins, K Perkins, E Payne, J Steer and cox T Fisher) beat Derby in their first round and then narrowly lost to Ironbridge in the semi-finals. After beating crews from Shrewsbury High School and Pengwern, Hereford A (J Cross, N Harris, E Bennett, T Brumwell and cox Z Morris) went on to beat Ironbridge in the final in one of the closest races of the day, winning by only three feet.

Competing in the senior four event on Sunday, Cross, Harris, Bennett, Brumwell and Morris again proved victorious. After beating different crews from both Ironbridge and Pengwern, they went on to beat local rivals Worcester by 1.5 lengths in the final, thus remaining unbeaten over the whole weekend of racing. The novice B crew were unable to match their performance on Saturday as they lost in the first round.

Sunday also saw Tim Fisher and Chris Green compete in the junior-15 double sculls. After equipment failure at their last regatta, this time a crash was their downfall, losing to Runcorn in the first round.

The holiday weekend is likely to be busy for all Hereford members with crews racing at Monmouth/Worcester and Metropolitan (London) before returning to Hereford to race in their own regatta on Monday.