Badgers are being culled in Bosbury as part of the Krebbs Report trials, set up by the Government to see if there is a link with TB in cattle.

The Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has confirmed that Bosbury is included in the tenth so-called "triplet area" in the UK.

It is a zone where badgers will be actively trapped and shot, and may be for five years.

The other two zones in the new triplet are Puddlestone, where badgers will only be culled when there is suspected TB in cattle, and Withington, which will be a survey zone only. The aim is to gain hard scientific data for TB in badgers and cattle.

DEFRA spokesman Cam Morgan said sites for actual culls were picked where TB in cattle has been a historical problem.

News of the Bosbury cull has been met with dismay by the Herefordshire Badger Group which, through the National Federation of Badger Groups, is putting pressure on the Government to get it stopped.

The Government has already told the Federation that it is willing to "review" the national trials.

Krebs trials have already been completed on a triplet which included the Dymock area.