The intrepid photographer David Ward has certainly had to suffer for his art.

He has travelled to remote parts of the world, up at all hours to catch every conceivable bit of light from 3am to midnight, and dealt with extreme conditions and landscapes from 10oC on the largest icecap outside the arctic to 45oC in Death Valley. Since he uses a large format camera he also has to carry 50lb. of gear with him to these outlandish places.

But his photographs are monumental and worth every sacrifice. They range from the heroic Wild West vistas of John Wayne's North America to the most minute study of lichen in a rock formation. He also photographs the powerful scenery of Scotland and Wales and relaxes with the serene and comforting landscapes of his own Herefordshire.

His photographs are currently showing as part of an Exhibition at Tidal Wave Gallery in Bridge Street, Hereford, in which four totally different Herefordshire based artists explore the natural world in their own different media. The exhibition runs until 4th October.