Leominster has a mountain to climb to raise a £250,000 public contribution to the costs of the new swimming pool being built next year. But lots of people are helping to find the pennies and the pounds - not least the 1% club.

One of the town's biggest factories, bpi.stretchfilms (British Polythene Ltd), of Worcester Road, Leominster, last week pledged a 1% contribution of £2,500.

Leominster Lions Club led the way with the first 1% pledge to the 'We Want Our Pool' group which is running the appeal.

WWOP committee member Bill Healey said he was delighted to get a similar response from bpi.

"This is very good news," said Bill. "I have written to 55 companies. Hopefully bpi's decision to support the pool appeal will encourage some of the other firms to do the same."

Bill, a retired teacher, has devised a new tool for the WWOP appeal.

He is publishing the Sydonia Review, a newsletter aimed at boosting publicity.

It reports on the donations givens by local organisations and businesses, flags up forthcoming fundraising events and lists the main contacts for WWOP.

The free newsletter is available at Leominster shops.

l One of the latest donations - £200 - has come from the town's Arthritis Care Club. Leominster Scouts and Cubs are playing their part by doing a sponsored swim at the Ludlow pool on November 22.

l WWOP says donors completing a gift aid form will enable the group to claim 28p in the £ from the taxman. The forms are at the Leominster branch of Staffordshire Building Society, which is managing the appeal account.