PARISH COUNCIL - The Parish Plan Steering Group and the Parish Council held meetings in the village hall on Thursday, November 14. Ward Councillor Bob Matthews was in attendance for both meetings and Lisa Bedford from Herefordshire Partnership was present for the Steering Group business. No member of the public was present. The clerk reported that no entries had been received for the Calling All Young People in Breinton competition, a disappointing response that reflected the reaction of the same age groups to the main questionnaire. The group approved arrangements in respect of the Evening with Punch event to be held from 4pm to 9pm in the village hall on Saturday, December 6. The members expressed a hope that this rolling event would be well supported, as they still desired feedback before completing the Parish Plan. The clerk was instructed to obtain quotations in respect of printing the plan. At the opening of the Parish Council meeting apologies were received from WPC Pam Epton the local beat manager. The council noted, with approval, that the Local Area Forums were to be reintroduced in 2004. The precept for 2004/05 was discussed and it was unanimously agreed that the sum be set at £5,000, the same as for the previous three years. It was noted that an extract of the consultant's report on the Quiet Lanes project had now been received. The council noted with approval the recommendation, that the Breinton initiative should be adopted. The council fixed dates for a series of meetings until the annual meeting and the annual parish meeting in April 2004. The next meetings of the Steering Group and Parish Council will be held on Friday, December 12, starting at 6.30pm and 7pm respectively. All meetings are open to the public and provision is made for a period of open discussion.