ON August 7, I wrote to your excellent newspaper asking Leominster Tory MP Bill Wiggin and Hereford Tory candidate Virginia Taylor if they still stood behind their support for Britain and America's invasion of Iraq. We still await a response from them.

No weapons of mass destruction have been found, more British, American and Iraqis are dead and the Parliamentary Intelligence committee found that advice to Government suggested that, by attacking Iraq, we could increase the risk of a terrorist attack on Britain.

I also saw the Tories attacking the Government. This is party politics at its lowest level.

The Tories supported George Bush even more than they supported Blair - how can they now claim the Government was wrong?

The British Conservative Party, Mr Wiggin and Mrs Taylor included, signed up to George Bush's war with all the deaths and instability it has caused.

The people of Herefordshire should not forget that.


Kings Acre Road, Hereford.