TWO more cases of Legionnaires' disease were confirmed this week bringing the number to 28.

But Dr Mike Deakin, director of public health, said both had a history consistent with them developing the disease before a cooling plant at Bulmers, found to hold Legionnella bacteria, had closed down.

"We do not expect new people to develop Legionnaires' disease. However this does not mean that we will not find more cases as people who already have the disease might not go to their GP until some time after symptoms develop,'' he said.

Andrew Tector, head of environmental health and trading standards, said: "We would emphasise again that it is safe to visit Hereford. We are confident that the source of the disease has been eradicated."

Support for traders

Meanwhile, people seem to be taking heed to return to Hereford to do their shopping.

Last Saturday and Sunday the city was filled with shoppers, and despite bad weather civic leaders turned out in a display of support for traders.

They wore t-shirts bearing the words 'Happy to Shop in Hereford' and included the Mayor, Councillor Ursula Attfield, the leader of Herefordshire Council, Councillor Roger Phillips, Paul Keetch, MP and William Lyons, area manager of the Chamber of Commerce

Much of the team involved in investigating and monitoring the epidemic in Hereford has wound down.

But Dr Deakin said it was able to start working again immediately, if necessary.