QUIZ EVENING - Odds and Sods were winners in a quiz evening held at the George and Dragon in Knighton to raise funds for next year's Festival of Town Criers competition. Eight teams took part. Peter Vrettos set the questions and was quiz master. The event realised £102 profit.

SHOW AND CARNIVAL - Andy Pritchard, chairman of the Show and Carnival Committee thanked all those who had helped to stage the highly successful 2003 Show and Carnival, and gave a special warm thank you to show president Jan Harris for her support for the show throughout the year. Treasurer John Roberts reported that the 2003 show had cost £25,207 to run and income had been £19,901. The deficit of £5,306 had been funded from reserves. John Roberts emphasised that receipts on the gate on showday had been £6,555 and that the bulk of the funds needed to stage the show had come from dances on shownight and throughout the year and other fundraising events. It had not been possible to have a barn dance in 2003 and this was traditionally a major fundraising event in the annual calendar. Andy Pritchard was re-elected chairman and John Powis was elected as vice chairman. John Roberts was re-elected treasurer and Sandra Sharp as secretary. The meeting voted a donation of £500 to the First responder vehicle appeal as a special one-off for the year, and smaller sums to other local organisations. Preparations are in hand for the 2004 show which will be on Saturday, August 28.

LIGHTS SWITCH-ON - The switching on of the Christmas lights has become the first big event in Knighton's Christmas calendar. The children's fancy dress competition was for the best Christmas cracker, and there were many entrants showing great ingenuity and creative flair. The Junior Mayor switched on the Christmas lights in High Street and Broad Street and on the Town Clock. Then the Mayor of Knighton, Councillor Derek Price, resplendent in his robes as Town Crier together with Father Christmas riding on his motorised sleigh, led the procession of crackers down Broad Street to Brookside Square where the remaining lights were switched on. Winners in the fancy dress competition were: girls: 1 Chelsea Leigh, 2 Jenny Powel, 3 Jessica Bright: boys: 1 Ben Anderson, 2 Chris Irving, 3 Phillip Williams. Every child who took part received a small prize. Councillor Roger Bright, Chairman of Knighton Town Council's Christmas Lights Committee, thanked the Mayor, Town Council and Chamber of Commerce for organising the event. He also thanked Councillor Margaret Morris, chairman of Radnor Shire and Carol Wynn of Wynn's Funfair for judging the competition and Michael Conway and his team for putting up the Christmas Lights. The next events in the pre-Christmas calendar are next Tuesday Carols in the Community with Knighton Town Silver Band, Knighton Primary School Choir, members of Teme Spirits and Knighton Handbell Ringers at 7.30pm in Knighton Community Centre. Thursday, December 11, Knighton Extravaganza all evening. Saturday, December 20, 10am to 1pm Christmas Farmers and Community Market in Knighton Community Centre. ,

ACTION FOR PEACE - Members of Knighton Action for Peace and Justice welcomed Roger Williams MP to one of their regular weekly meetings. Mr Williams shared members' concerns about the war against Iraq and the proposed introduction of ID cards. Members heard first-hand reports of the recent demonstration in London against the state visit of United States' President George W. Bush. Knighton Action of Peace and Justice had arranged a well supported vigil of its own on Brookside Square on the Saturday before Mr Bush's visit for those who could not make the journey to London. On Saturday December at 7.30pm there will be a party in Knucklas Community Centre with local band Oojamaflip. Tickets are available at £7or £5 concessionary and this includes food. On Saturday, January 17, there will be a talk by a Palestinian member of the International Solidarity Movement on the situation in the Middle East in the Offa's Dyke Centre at 7pm. On Sunday, February 8, Bruce Kent will speak in Knighton at a venue to be announced. In March, rising from the concerns of members about the erosion of civil liberties under the present government, the group hopes to get a speaker from Liberty.

COMMUNITY CENTRE - Tomorrow (Friday) there will be a special NRG with a non alcoholic bar and refreshments for 12 to 17 year olds at Knighton Community Centre from 9.30pm to 1am. DJs DS, Olly (the angel) and Wobble will perform during the evening. Proof of age will be required, and anyone who appears to be under 12 and has no proof of age will be refused entry, as will anyone caught trying to smuggle in alcohol or who appears the worse for drink. The doors will close to new admissions at 11.30pm. This is a new venture, and if it is well supported the committee will consider organising further such events in public. The next adult NRG, with DJs DS, Jawz and Wobble, will be on Friday, December 19, from 9.30pm to 1am. Anyone who appears to be under 18 and who has no proof of age will be refused admission. The doors will close at 11.30pm.

SAINT EDWARD'S CHURCH - Last Sunday was the festival of Christ the King and Father Andrew Pearce, the Vicar of East Radnor, finished his series three addresses on the symbolism of Saint Edward's stained glass with the east window, completed in 1897, which depicts the Christ in Majesty surrounded by the nine orders of angels. Father Andrew also presided at the Family Eucharist and, himself, led the singing of the Peruvian Gloria. Fay Exworth-Dent read a passage from Daniel 7, HIlary Howcroft led the Choir of Saint Edward's and Mr Cecil Rudge was organist. At the conclusion of the service the members of the congregation sang Happy Birthday to Councillor Ralph Evans who celebrated his 91st birthday that day.

MACMILLAN CANCER RELIEF - The Macmillan Christmas Fair held at Knighton Church Hall on November 22 proved a success and resulted in a profit of £1,227. The Christmas Hamper was won by Clare Traylor of Norton; the doll by Mrs Kirton; a coffee set by Ruby Harris; chocolates by Ralene Banks; cushion by Doreen Gammon; sherry by Jill Pritchard; and the rabbit by Pam Mills. The organisers thank all helpers and Father Christmas who talked to the children and gave them presents.

WEDNESDAY CLUB - Helpers at a recent meeting of the Wednesday club were Mrs M. Cox, Mrs I. Leeson, Mrs M. Chapman and Mrs W. Davies. Raffle winners were Mrs M. Chapman, Miss V. Pugh, Mrs B. Davies, Mrs R. Parry, Mrs B. Kempson, Mr D. Lewis, Mrs M. Payne and Mrs W. Plant. Marjorie Cox organised an amusing quiz.

SAINT EDWARD'S CHURCH - Father Paul Gerrard celebrated Eucharist for the First Sunday of Advent at Saint Edward's Church last Sunday. The service included the Baptism of Araminta Rose Ellis. Saint Edward's Sub Warden Mrs Jean Price welcomed visitors from the other churches in the Parish of East Radnor to the service and thanked Father Paul for taking the service at short notice.

ADVENT SONGS OF PRAISE - The annual Advent Songs of Praise organised by Churches Together in Knighton and District took place at Saint Andrew's Church Norton. Saint Andrew's church was the perfect setting for the service which included hymns chosen by the member churches, readings from the Old and New Testaments, poems on the themes of preparation and Advent, and musical contributions from the Choir of Saint Edward's under the direction of Mrs Hilary Howcroft. Mr Cecil Rudge was organist. The Rev Donald Green led the service and welcomed Churches Together to Saint Andrew's. At the opening he lit the first candle on the Advent ring. The next event organised by Churches Together in Knighton and District is the Carol Concert on next Tuesday at Knighton Community Centre at 7.30pm. This will feature Knighton Town Silver Band, Knighton Primary School Choir, Knighton Handbell Ringers and members of Teme Spirits. Admission is free and there will be a collection for the Air Ambulance.

EAST RADNOR PARISH - Services for the coming week in the Parish of East Radnor are: Sunday (The Second Sunday in Advent): 9.30am Sunday Worship at Knighton with Mr John Clements; 9.30am Family Service at Whitton with Father Andrew Pearce, 11am Sung Eucharist at Norton with Father Andrew Pearce; 3pm Eucharist at Cascob with Father Andrew Pearce. Eucharist will be celebrated every day from Monday to Saturday at Norton Church at 6pm, except for Tuesday when it will be at 11.30am. Eucharist will be celebrated at Knighton next Wednesday at 10am.

METHODIST CHURCH - Morning Worship on Sunday at Knighton Methodist Church is at 11am.

BAPTIST CHURCH - Worship for the Lord's Day on Sunday at Knighton Baptist Church is at 11am.

CATHOLIC CHURCH - Mass is celebrated at 11 am every Sunday at Knighton Catholic Church in Market Street.

EXTRAVAGANZA - Knighton Extravaganza on Thursday, December 11, from 10am to 3pm, at Offa's Dyke Centre will feature demonstrations by local crafts people. Further details from Rebe Brick on 01547-528753.