A HUGE surprise party in Longtown village hall last Sunday afternoon ensured that Pauline Jones's retirement started in style.

After 14 years as Longtown's sub-postmistress, Pauline handed over last week to Jenny Hope, her assistant for the past three years.

A former lecturer in management and communication studies, Pauline took over the Post Office from her parents, who ran it for 10 years.

"Work started on the party about six weeks earlier with a note sent to everybody via the postman!" said Mary Morris, one of the organising team.

"The vicar and his wife picked me up for a choir rehearsal," said Pauline, "but halfway there we turned round and came back to Longtown.

"I knew something was up, but I had no idea ... it was overwhelming. It felt as if the whole village was there. I haven't got enough vases for all the flowers I was given."

Speeches were made, tea and cakes were on the menu - songs were sung, including one written and performed especially for Pauline - and she was showered with presents.

Pauline has plenty of plans for her retirement, including getting a lot of wear from her walking boots and more babysitting for her three grandchildren. "I intend to pack a lot in," she said.

"Longtown Post Office is also a sub-sorting office so it's always busy and hard to get away easily. I'm looking forward to a bit more freedom to travel," she added. Destinations include Lebanon, Greece and Macedonia.

The change of sub-postmistress means a change of location, too. The shop, run by Jenny's daughter Christine, has already moved 300 yards up the road to its temporary home in a Portakabin, and the Post Office itself will follow on December 19, the delay the result of 'a technical hitch'. A permanent purpose-built shop and Post Office should be completed by April.