DRIVING round Leominster these days convinces me that Sauron, the Dark Lord of The Lord of the Rings lives in the planning offices of Hereford Council.

What is going on? The town is getting uglier and uglier. First the huge new housing estates and then the business park and Enterprise Zone at the southern end of the city.

Okay, people have to live and work and we know the Government forces us to build homes, however unsuitable the place.

But do we really have to accept the destruction of all that is beautiful at the heart of the town, the view and approach to the Priory.

Driving towards and around Leominster was one of the jewels of the border journey that even the ring road and the railway had not managed to destroy.

But now we see it over the Brightwell's market buildings and, final desecration, this FOCUS shed that is going up opposite Dales.

Man does not live by bricks and mortar alone. Is there no-one in Herefordshire Council with a soul who can think beyond the big buck?

Could they not have established some kind of trade off for all that housing by creating some open space and greenery at the heart of the town preserving the view and giving their citizens somewhere to relax and walk the dog and push the pram and sit out on a nice day?

Could they not have decided to show visitors for generations to come that this is a beautiful place of which we are proud?

We don't need any more DIY stores or supermarkets, every town for miles around has dozens of them. Quality shops owned by discerning individuals would be another matter but this nation of shopkeepers is being exterminated by developers and planners.

This beautiful Shire we once inhabited has been brutally ripped apart and why can't we stop it, why does nobody listen? The 50s-style Diner by the roundabout on the A49 - need I go on.

Sauron rules, where are Frodo and Gandalf? I fear I shall never live to see them but I do hope there are people out there who feel as I do and will try and save what is left.


Llyswen, Brecon