Newent Town Council is backing a planning application for listed building consent to convert the former Bennions garage and showroom, in Broad Street, into seven flats.

It came before Newent Town Council's finance and general purposes committee for comment on Monday evening, at a meeting in the Market Hall.

Newent has a new restaurant in the shape of Marinades, which is now open for business at 1, Cheapside, Church Street. The restaurant specialises in dishes inspired by Mediterranean and Caribbean cuisine.

Billy Danter's Fun Fair is to come to Newent's recreation ground in April. Dates are still to be fixed, but permission has already been granted by Newent Town Council.

Mobile phones have been banned under the student code of conduct from Newent Community School unless there is a real necessity to have them. In those cases, phones should be deposited in the school office for the duration of the school day.

unwanted chess pieces will find a good home at Newent Comm-unity School. School librarian Sue Lawrance said: "Our chess sets in the library are particularly well used but this also means that occasionally pieces go missing. I would be grateful if anyone can help out."