PARISH PLAN - Weston-under-Penyard Parish Council is inviting residents of the parish to take its future into their own hands, by helping prepare a Parish Plan. Just over a year ago, Weston Parish Council took up the challenge of the Government's Vital Villages initiative sponsored by The Countryside Agency. This scheme offers a new approach towards improving local services and the environment, and it promises to give rural communities a bigger say to their own affairs. There is real support, enabling us to discover what local residents want and then deliver it. Never before has it been possible to canvass the whole parish, for people to set the agenda and then be given the opportunity to express their needs, expectations and priorities in a Parish Plan for action. Discussions with local groups, clubs and committees, which were held late last year, have given us a picture of local concerns. Parishioners' views will be sought on these issues. The exercise centres around a very large1:500-3D scale map of the parish made by parishioners and the schoolchildren of Weston under Penyard Primary School, with additional 1:2500 scale maps and Arial Photography. Around these maps will be ten topic tables; for example, housing, social and recreational facilities, police and traffic, each with a number of pre-printed suggestion cards and blank idea cards. The Community Planning Days play the game will be held at Weston Village Hall on Friday, March 19, 7-9pm continuing through March 20 to 21, 10.30am-4pm. For further information contact: David Herrod , chairman, telephone 01989 750848 or e-mail: or the parish clerk Mrs E Pennels at Hazelrigg', Bromsash, Ross-on-Wye. HR9 7PR.01989 750270.