GROSMONT BELLS RUNG FOR CAROL SERVICE - The Skenfrith group of learner bellringers had their first opportunity on Sunday, December 19, to ring the Grosmont bells for the Christmas Carol Service. This was an awe-inspiring event for the new ringers, who rang two or three at a time with expert ringers making up the six. It is a long time since Grosmont had a team of ringers so it was good that the bells were rung for the Carol Service and a great experience for the Skenfrith learners. They look forward to continuing the learning process and eventually to having the bells restored in Skenfrith Church.

BILL MACADAM HISTORY GROUP - At the last meeting before Christmas, Mrs Anne Beavan gave a most interesting talk on Celtic Christianity. The meeting was well-attended. The Dark Ages, so called because nothing was written down or recorded, was the period between the departure of the Romans and the arrival of the Normans. Christianity survived then in western Celtic countries. Anne talked of many of the Celtic saints, including St Bridget who came from Kildare to Skenfrith. Anne finished her talk with a Celtic Benediction. Note the date of the next meeting has been changed to Friday, January 14, when Ken Palmer will talk about Grosmont from the late 16th Century manorial map. Everyone is welcome. Meetings start at 7.30pm at Hilston and admission is £1.50.