PLANNING - Permission has been granted for a change of use of a barn to a swimming pool, games room etc at Monnington Court; a four bedroomed house at Oakchurch Farm and, extension to the food hall and storage at Oakchurch Farm Shop. The parish council has made comments on an application for a change of use for five static holiday caravans at the Swan Inn, Letton on the grounds of increase in flood risk/increased traffic activity on the A438/not in keeping with an area of listed buildings/doubts about septic tank capacity. The Precept for 2005/06 has been increased to £2,500 to take into account provision of a new notice board at Monnington-on-Wye.

PARISH FREIGHTER - Another booking has been made for a visit of the Parish Freighter to collect large item o waste for October 29, 2005.

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION - The Freedom of Information Act came into operation on January 1, 2005. This scheme specifies information that the Parish Council will make available to members of the public. The information will be available on request in writing to the parish clerk. Charges may be made for provision of copies of documents.