WOMEN'S INSTITUTE - At the June meeting members enjoyed a birthday party provided by Kath Walton and Wendy Duggan who both have specia birthdays during June. Wendy and Kath were both presented with flowers to mark the occasion. The flower competition was won by Audrey Graham with Hilda Ashdowne-Sharp second.

On an extremely hot Sunday afternoon members attended a garden party in the beautiful gardens at Walford Grange near Leintwardine by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Gordon MacFarquhar which had been organised by the Kingsland Group of W.Is.

GARDEN TEA PARTY - A garden tea party is to be held this Saturday ( June 25) at Corner Cottage, Yatton in aid of Acorns Children's Hospice. It will take place between 2pm and 4pm and the entrance fee will be 50p (children free). There will be a prize draw and a Bring and Buy stall. This Tea Party is part of the Tea at 3 Campaign which is being held all over the country through June when thousands of people in workplaces, schools, at home and across local communities are holding fundraising tea parties in aid of their local hospice.