PLAYGROUP - Hopscotch Pre-School Playgroup, Tarrington, have recently taken delivery of a play tractor and trailer slide to complete the farm-theme playground. The final piece of equipment was funded by a grant from the Local Network Fund for Children (Herefordshire Community Foundation) and has led to the completion of the playground for the use of the playgroup and village children. The playgroup is celebrating its 30th anniversary this summer, and is holding a party at Lady Emily Community Hall, Tarrington, on Saturday, July 9, from 2.30 to 4.30pm. There will be a bouncy castle, cakes and teas, an ice cream van, children's activities and a grand raffle. Organisers are hoping to contact all ex-pupils, staff and helpers, and particularly the handful of parents who set up Hopscotch in 1975 in the old village hall. For further information contact Natasha Gibson on 07929614017.

FLOWER FESTIVAL - The first two drop-in lunches raised £125 towards the cost of the Flower Festival, which is to be held during the last weekend in September into October. The next two lunches will be held at Oak House, Tarrington 01432 890340, today and tomorrow (Thursday and Friday), at 14 Williams mead, Bartestree 01432 851624.

PARISH PLAN - Future meetings of the Parish Plan Steering Committee are on Tuesday, July 12, Wednesday, August 10, and Thursday, September 1. Meetings will take place in the Tarrington Arms at 7.30pm.

POOL COMPETITION - The Paul Cox Memorial Pool competition raised £2,005 at two very well supported nights at The Tarrington Arms. Proceeds will be donated to the church, Community Hall and the Friendship Club.