A SCHOOLGIRL is hoping to make a splash for a Hereford charity when she competes in a sponsored swim.

Eight-year-old Kezia Roby-Welford takes to the water on Saturday hoping to raise funds for a charity close to her heart.

The Cathedral School pupil will hand over money raised to the Little Princess Trust, which provides wigs and hairpieces to children who have suffered hair loss through cancer treatment.

Kezia’s brother Josh was in the same year group as Hannah Tarplee, who passed away in 2005, prompting the Little Princess Trust to be set up.

Kezia, who lives with her family in Risbury, near Leominster, is also collecting for the Teenage Cancer Trust.

“This is a big challenge for me but compared to the challenges faced by teenagers and children who are diagnosed with cancer, it is just a drop in the ocean,” said Kezia.

She will swim 50 lengths at the Halo Leisure Pool in Leominster.

To sponsor her, visit justgiving.com/ Kezia-Roby-WelfordLPT or justgiving. com/Kezia-Roby-Welford.

Meanwhile, Little Princess Trust supporters will have the use of a National Express coach decked in the charity’s colours for a fund-raising event. The trust won a national competition asking organisations to design their own coach. The trust’s design, a bright pink vehicle with the charity’s pink butterfly logo, attracted the most votes.

It will be used during next year’s Pink Car Rally, which sees a convoy of pink-clad vehicles travel from Hereford to Oxford Children’s Hospital in support of the charity.