HEREFORD’S junior mayor has shown she is a cut above when it comes to fund-raising.

Jane Farmer, aged 11, raised about £350 by having her flowing locks cut by city hairdresser Peter Prosser.

The hair will now be donated to the Little Princess Trust, the charity that provides wigs for children who have suffered hair loss through cancer treatment.

“It went well and it’s nice and swishy,”

said Jane, who has just finished at Our Lady’s Primary School in Belmont and will join St Mary’s High School in Lugwardine next month.

“The last time it was as short as this was when I was about two years old.

“It was cut at the Mayor’s Parlour in the town hall and then I had it styled by Peter at his salon.”

The money raised will be split between the trust and bereavement support charity the Noah’s Ark Trust.

Meanwhile, a drama group set up in memory of young Hannah Tarplee has announced plans for next year’s show.

The Little Princess Players were formed after Hereford Cathedral School pupil Hannah’s death in 2005.

They have since put on productions to packed houses at the school, raising thousands for the Little Princess Trust in the process.

Member Dawn Taylor said the production would take the form of a variety show to be performed in February and March.

Each show will be followed by a raffle, and previous prizes have included a signed photo of Robbie Williams.

In recent years, shows have raised up to £3,000, which goes straight to the Hereford-based charity.

■ The Hereford Times is running a campaign aimed at helping the Little Princess Trust raise £130,000 to create a store of wigs ready to answer an appeal for help within seven days. Anyone planning any fund-raising activities for the trust can let us know what they are doing by calling 01432 845884.