LEDBURY Rotary Club has appointed its first woman president, Una Morgan, who takes over from David Tombs.

During his year, hundreds of pounds were raised for his chosen charity of Acorns Children’s Hospice, thanks to the generosity of townsfolk and an action-packed year.

Members played a leading role in raising awareness of diabetes and loss of limb, though its Footcare Project, now operational in several Caribbean countries.

The eradication of polio has also been an ongoing activity.

Locally, members have helped Ledbury Scouts, Age Concern, Jubilee Sailing Trust for disabled people and the Old Cottage Hospital, which is now a centre of excellence for young entrepreneurs.

Members supported outings for schoolchildren in Ledbury and recognised a pupil of John Masefield School as Citizen of the Year. A book of poetry by member Tony Gittings has been published and a host of community events have had practical assistance.

David’s year ended with a French- themed evening at the rugby club, with members and spouses in frilly frocks (and some in size 10 boots), dancing the can-can. Money raised will benefit the local community.

Mrs Morgan has been a Rotarian for 13 years, originally in London. She hopes to give a higher profile to Rotary and her chosen charity is St Michael’s hospice, and continuing support for international projects while raising awareness of the emergency box scheme. She also wants to encourage joint working with local businesses and community groups