LEDBURY Rotary Club has just made a donation of £1,000 to the Ledbury Scouts to help with the refurbishment of their Scout hut.

President David Tombs and vice president Una Morganth visited the camp on the annual meeting to make the presentation.

They have just had a good response to their appeals but said that this is the icing on the cake. This year is the 90th anniversary of the Scouts in Ledbury.

This year, the club again raffled Easter eggs in local public houses and made £1,400 profit for good causes.

Rotarian Neal Farr has also given the club a talk about the current situation surrounding the campaign to eradicate polio from the world. He referred to the way that Bill Gates had generously donated $355 million to Rotary for this project with a challenge to Rotary to raise $200 million to match it. Ledbury club has agreed to give £3,000 to this cause over the next three years.