A TELEVISION star who performs dangerous stunts has broken his wrist using Hereford’s new skatepark.

Lee Dainton, of Dirty Sanchez fame, broke his left arm in several places while skating at the Holmer Road park.

Dainton spent five nights in Hereford County Hospital after falling 10ft and landing on his wrist. The prankster had a five-hour operation the next day and needed several plates in his arm.

He said the injury was the worst of his life and admitted a similar fall could end his career as a professional skateboarder.

“I totally shattered my wrist. It was probably the most pain I have been in,” he said on his internet Twitter blog. “Every day when I wake up I can move my fingers more, so I reckon I’ll be able to write again by the end of the week.”

Dainton, from Newport, was visiting Hereford with his killcity skateboarding team when he fell from the top of the bowl and came off his board.

Many youngsters were aware of the visit as he trialled the facility on March 28 and spoke with skatepark officer, Councillor Anna Toon, about further visits.