IMPROVEMENTS TO CLEHONGER PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY – Herefordshire Council’s policy is to make public rights of way more accessible to people with disabilities by replacing stiles with self-closing gates where practical and with the co-operation of the landowner. By joining the council’s P3 scheme Clehonger Parish Council has been able to fund the installation of gates and strimming around stiles etc. We have started this process and with thanks to Philip Whittle (Bowling Green Farm) and Philip Griffiths (Upper Mawfield Farm) you can now walk from the Bowling Green end of Gosmore Road on path CH12, CH13, CH16, CH14 and AN24 or CH16, CH22 and AN21 to join Clehonger to Upper Mawfield Farm Road without having to climb a stile. Also the difficult railings on path CH17 have been replaced by a gate. The gates are supplied free by the council and have been installed by Paul Wright of Longfield Services. In the next year or so it is hoped to replace, where appropriate, all stiles with gates.