AMID the chaos of the reshuffle, Hereford and South Herefordshire MP Jesse Norman has felt the need to resign as a minister to devote more time to local matters.

He has said that it was a great honour to serve. It is rather a shame that he chose not to honour local matters last weekend.

In Hereford and Ross, there were full Remembrance parades of serving members of the Armed Forces together with reservists, cadets, Royal British Legion members and other veterans’ groups.

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At both, mayors and councillors were in full robes together with the Hereford liveried team carrying city regalia. Hundreds braved the filthy weather to pay their respects and wreaths were laid to honour those who died protecting our freedoms.

It is a shame then, that the Right Honourable Mr Norman chose not to honour either of these ceremonies with his attendance. At Ross, there was a wreath laid by a member of his staff but in Hereford, there wasn’t even that.

I make that a pretty poor effort.

