THE answer to the criticisms of the Men’s Shed (Men’s Shed concept is slammed, October 5) is to extend the concept, not rubbish it.

Last year I was lucky enough to visit the the Community Men in Sheds in Taunton, Somerset. Downstairs the usual woodworking tools were available. An extension for metalworking was being built out the back. It was all excellently organised.

However, what made it far more valuable to the whole community was the floor above. This was dedicated to arts and crafts such as like painting, textile work, screen printing, sculpture, wood turning, etc. Some might claim this was the ‘women’s’ space, however, both men and women were invited to use all the facilities. In addition, there was a small kitchen with comfy sofas.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

These spaces enable to reuse of all kinds of furniture, tools, electrical items, etc, which is very much needed when we are submerging under a deluge of waste and recycled items that just end up in landfill anyway.

My suggestion is that the term The Men’s Shed is dropped in favour of The People’s Shed, which makes it clear that anyone regardless of sex, gender, race, or religion is equally welcome.

