HEREFORD'S students are continuing to save the vulnerable on a night out as they graduate.

Students from Hereford Sixth Form College and Hereford Cathedral School work with street pastors in the city to help those who are drunk or have been spiked on a night out.

They have now graduated as Vennture Lean on Me volunteers.

Ian Purcell, street presence leader, said, this is a scheme from the charity which aims to help the vulnerable, and plays a vital role in making Hereford one of the safest nighttime economies in the UK.

Sixth form vice principal Phil Tranter said recognising the student's achievements was one of the highlights of his year.

Herefordshire's High Sheriff Joanna Hilditch presented the graduates with their t-shirts and spoke of her observation as a street pastor.

She said: "Having not been out partying in the Hereford for more than 25 years, it was quite an experience to re-visit the night-time economy last Saturday.

"This time I saw it from a different perspective.

"I saw the communications, the compassion and moreover the commitment of all the teams and the close working with the nightclubs, CCTV and the police was life-affirming."

But she said she was pleased to crawl into bed at 4.30am after a different kind of night out.


Police inspector Greg Tudge spoke of his first-hand view of the great work the Lean on Me teams provide before Herefordshire's Lord-Lieutenant Edward Harley presented volunteer certificates and spoke glowingly of their achievements.

Rob Thomas, Vennture's lead executive, thanked parents and guardians for their 3am and 4am collection of students at the end of their shifts.

The students play a lifesaving role and take pressure of emergency services for the county, he said.

Paul Vicary from X-Calibre Training shared the intensive six-day training completed by the students.

"I am so proud to see so many students graduate, with vital life skills, regulated qualifications and the confidence in dealing with people in the night-time economy," he said.

"X-Calibre work with Vennture to provide excellent, progressive, fun and realistic training from medical skills, manual handling with people and mental health."

Mayor of Hereford Paul Stevens thanked Vennture and Lean on Me for their help.