A NEW exhibition at The Courtyard features a collection of photographs which asks the over-50s 'Do you really regret your tattoo in older age?'

No Regrets by the Gwanwyn arts festival from older people’s charity Age Cymru, features photography by Michal Iwanowski and promises to deliver a positive and inspiring study of tattoos on older skin and the stories behind the ink.

Emma Robinson, Age Cymru’s arts and creativity development officer, said: “The idea for No Regrets came from the notion that people who get tattoos are always told that they will regret them when they’re older. As Gwanwyn is the Wales-wide, national arts festival for older people, I thought it would be interesting to ask older people if they really do regret their tattoo.”

The exhibition will coincide with Open Sky’s performance of Scorched, tomorrow and Saturday, in which new writing, visual physical theatre, period music and an innovative set create the workings of a mind sinking into the sands of time through the memories tattooed onto his body.

No Regrets runs until Monday, September 12.