A PROJECT which provides multi-sensory music workshops for people living with dementia in Hereford has been given a boost thanks to national lottery funding.

A Different Beat received £9,980 for its scheme which uses music as a vehicle to engage people in social activity.

In total 82 projects across the West Midlands received money from the lottery totalling over a million pound.

Other groups which received funds in Herefordshire included the Saxon Hall's community sensory garden.

Their funding will be used to create a therapeutic sensory garden available for community use. This will address user's poor mental health within a secure environment.

Callow Parish Hall, also received money to install accessible toilets in the village hall. This will improve community facilities.

Sellack Parish Council will buy a defibrillator to be installed outside the village hall and will train the local community to use it thanks to the money it received.

This will allow the group to increase their capacity by allowing an improved service for vulnerable members of the community and visitors in this rurally isolated location.