A GROUP of baby owls were rescued in Hereford this week after strong winds toppled the tree they were nesting in.

Herefordshire Wildlife Rescue (HWR) were called to Holmer Park Vets on Tuesday after an owl chick was found on the ground among the wreckage of an oak tree on the outskirts of Hereford.

After caring for the baby owl, the team attended the site of the tree where they discovered three more owlets 'chirruping' for their mother on a broken post – 30 feet above the ground in 30mph wind and driving rain.

Using a ladder – loaned by a neighbouring builder – a team made up of Holmer Park Health Spa staff and the HWR team rescued the chicks and took them down to warmth and safety.

And after consulting the International Falconry Centre and the Barn Owl Trust, an improvised owl box was made so that the mother and father could continue to feed the baby owls.

The chicks were then returned to the nest which was attached to a neighbouring tree.

A spokesman for HWR said: "An intense period of anticipation followed as we watched to see if the parents would return. By 10pm closing time, the mum and dad were flying around the area calling, but had not entered the nest."

Returning to the scene at 8.30am the following morning, the HWR team saw – to their delight – the domed fluffy brown head of the mother owl looking out of the nest box.

Holmer Park confirmed it will ensure the fallen tree is safe for visitors but will not disturb the nest any further until the young are safely fledged.

According to volunteers at HWR, the important thing is that the parents are able to teach the young owls how to hunt when they leave the nest.

There is no substitute for this natural tutoring and human carers are always second best.

Herefordshire Wildlife Rescue thanked Holmer Park Health Spa for its help in the rescue mission.