A MARINE'S mum who has sent more than 100,000 cakes to Afghanistan is appealing for help to supply containers.

Louise Bennet has made cakes and buns for the last 12 years to send to troops in the Asian country.

Two months ago she moved from Scotland to near Leominster, which means she no longer has a regular supplier of plastic containers to send the cakes in.

She usually uses plastic airtight containers – about 10 inches square – which are used to deliver Haribo sweets to shops.

She said: "I am looking for a sweet shop near a large school that might be willing to save the containers for me.

"I pay for everything myself. I am not looking for any form of sponsorship. But I can't do it without these containers."

Mrs Bennet calls her tasty treats Buns of Mass Production and sends out 250 a week to servicemen and women still in Afghanistan.

She also sends one box to the military ward at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.

Mrs Bennet started the venture when her eldest son George, 35, was a captain with 42 Commando Royal Marines.

He now works in security but her son Matthew, 27, is a second lieutenant with the Royal Marines. Her third son Simon, 31, is a doctor in Bristol.

If you think you can help, email loubbylou1@gmail.com