A MADLEY couple are pleading for safety changes amid fears that a child may be seriously hurt near the village school.

It comes after a collision near to the school last week – where no one was injured – but which Joan and David Williamson believe could have been much worse.

The couple now want parking restrictions at busy times of the day, or even a village car park to ease congestion.

Mr Williamson said, if the problem is not addressed, he fears that a child, or parent, could be killed one day.

“I think, in essence, it requires a very serious coordination between the school, parish council and police,” he said.

One suggestion is for a village car park, while an alternative measure could include yellow lines along the road near to the school, with restrictions in place during the busy times of the day.

Fiona Witcher, of Golden Valley Safer Neighbourhood Team, said the team is aware of the traffic issues.

“There are similar problems outside most rural primary schools with parking, due to many pupils living some distance from school and needing to be dropped off and collected by car,” she said.

A spokesman for Madley Parish Council said the issues have been raised previously and passed on to the school and the police.

In a statement, Madley Primary School said that the safety of children is always a priority.

“The highway is not part of the school’s jurisdiction.

"However, it works closely with the parish council to remind parents of their values and responsibilities to both the school and the pupils,” the statement said.

“It is felt that double yellow lines could actually add to the speed on the road directly outside of the school.

"In regards to a village car park, while this could reduce traffic in and around the school, as very few children need to cross the road outside of the school, it is felt that the risk factors would be raised.

“An option could be for the council to re-paint the yellow zig zag lines outside of the school.”