A PARTNERSHIP with a nearby secondary school has helped turn around the fortunes of a Hereford primary school, inspectors have concluded.

Since September, Broadlands Primary School has been run by Sue Woodrow, headteacher of Aylestone Business and Enterprise College.

A senior leadership team from Aylestone has also joined the school with the aim of providing support and a wide range of additional resources, including teachers.

Ofsted inspectors Rodney Braithwaite and Linda Phillips were tasked to look at the fortunes of Broadlands during a recent visit.

They said that the school is benefiting from the partnership and pupils are now making better progress and reaching higher standards, especially in reading and mathematics.

"The experienced and decisive executive headteacher and senior leadership team are effectively leading many important improvements, notably pupils' achievement and behaviour," said the report.

"Many pupils are making better progress and making up lost ground, especially in reading and mathematics, although progress in writing skills is slower."

The inspectors added that pupils are well cared for and enjoy learning because they have good attitudes and most are eager to do well.

However, they did say that the school still has a long way to go and classified Broadlands as "requiring improvement".

"Pupils' progress has been slow and inconsistent for some time," added the inspectors.

"Teachers' planning is not always accurate enough to enable different groups of pupils to make good progress.

"Some school leaders have had insufficient opportunities to develop their skills and have not been able to play a full part in the leadership of the school."

The inspectors added that a small number of pupils can also be disruptive and the new school partnership with a minority of parents is not yet developed, because some of them feel they do not receive sufficient information about school changes.