AUTUMN SHOW - It was a bumper autumn show on August 31. A record number of 53 people entered, some coming from Worcester to take part.

The hall was a mass of colourful flowers and plants. Malcolm Weatherhead just held onto his title for having the longest runner bean again this year. Janet Bottom won cups for floral art, growing plants and photography, Ester Morris won the cup for art and best in show cup for her painting of Chinese chickens.

Holly Watkins won the domestic cup, Sid Lewis won the vegetable cup, Mrs S Stevens won the craft cup, and Mrs D Griffiths won the cut flower cup The children’s cup for the under nines went to Ted Rogers and over nines to Charlie Morris. The highest number of points cup was won by Janet Bottom. The organisers would like to thank the judges and everyone entering the show and hope to see them at the spring show on March 22.

During the afternoon the neighbourhood police officers were in attendance, advised on how to keep safe and also presented the cups.

MACMILLAN COFFEE - A reminder that the Macmillan coffee morning is on September 27, in the village hall 10am-noon.

Entry is £1 which includes coffee/ tea and biscuits.

COFFEE MORNING - Monkland church is holding a coffee morning, 10am-noon, in church on Saturday to celebrate the county Festival of Churches and Ride and Stride. There will be a cake stall, knitting and plants.

CHURCH SERVICES - All Saints Church holds a service every Sunday at 11am. Harvest festival is October 6, 11.30am.

COMMUNITY YOGA - Monday evenings with Lynn. 6pm till 7pm in the village hall for all ages and abilities, only £1 entry.

PRIZE BINGO - Starts again tomorrow (Friday). Doors open at 7pm, eyes down at 8pm.

Every one welcome but no children under six years old.