GARDENING CLUB - On January 22 the Stoke Lacy and District Garden Club will meet in Stoke Lacy Village Hall at 8pm. The topic for the evening will be Tool Sharpening for the Terrified and will provide an opportunity for everyone to bring along their blunt secateurs, knives and shears and to learn how to prepare them for the coming season.

WI - Tomorrow (Friday), Much Cowarne WI will be holding a coffee morning and bringand-buy at Stoke Lacy Village Hall from 10am until noon. Members of other WIs are welcome to take part.

BURNS NIGHT - The village hall committee is holding a traditional Burns Night supper in the village hall on January 25. Tickets, costing £8 and including a two-course meal, a piper and other entertainments, are available from Janet on 01885 400601. bring your own alcohol.