CELTIC mythology is the theme of the current exhibition at the Hay Makers Gallery, which runs until July 13.

The exhibition features visiting artist Michelle Cowmeadow who is of both Celtic and Maori ancestry. She brings her love of classics to her ceramics, working in blue together with natural colours or gold and brown.

Printmaker Gini Wade’s work draws on myths, dreams, dance and celebrations, and her prints in the exhibition follow the life of “Rhiannon of the Birds”, the otherworld woman whose story is told in four branches of the Mabinogion.

Jeweller Ann Farag echoes hypnotic repeating patterns seen on Egyptian and Greek animal and flower designs, and Jesa Marshall, another visiting jeweller has had a life long fascination with dark fairy tale, manifesting itself in unique and enchanting jewellery.

The exhibition at Hay Makers Gallery, Lion