Eight Clubs from the Herefordshire Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs competed in the popular Pantomime Festival which returned for a third consecutive year to the Bishop of Hereford’s Bluecoat School in Hereford last month. More than 200 members aged between 10 and 26 years old took to the boards for an exciting week of competition.

Audience numbers for the week were around 1,500 and they saw some outstanding performing arts talent from Allensmore, Dilwyn, Eardisley, Golden Valley, Hereford, Kington, Ledbury and Welsh Newton YFC in the Pantomime, as well as Kington YFC and Teme Valley YFC in the Ballroom and Latin Dancing plus the individual Stage Comperes. Performances were supported with some very original writing and live music.

County Chairman, Miss Sarah Wells, commented: "I joined the Young Farmers to play the piano for Hereford YFC and the panto is one of my favourite competitions. We had a fantastic week and everyone is looking forward to the next round in Telford."

The pantomimes were adjudicated by Mrs Colette Preece from Birmingham and Ms Claire Martin from the Minster College, Leominster. The Federation welcomed sponsors from the Duchy of Cornwall and Powell & Oliver Agricultural Consultants of Peterstow.