THE newly developed St Katherine’s Square in Ledbury was officially opened on June 8.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony took place during the 10th annual Ledbury Community Day, providing an opportunity for local groups to showcase what they do – a celebration of Ledbury and district’s excellence.

Representatives from local groups and societies, businesses, funding contributors, council officials and the press, were all a part of the festivities. 

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The square will be a destination public space for locals and visitors, complementing recent investment by Herefordshire Council in the renovation of the 16th century Master’s House building. The space will accommodate market trading, community events, and more.


Councillor Roger Phillips, Chairman of Herefordshire Council, said: “I recall vividly seeing the original plans for the refurbishment of the Master’s House and surrounding area and it has been fantastic to see the whole project progress. It was my pleasure to open the new St Katherine’s Square, it’s a beautiful public space and will become an asset to Ledbury.”

Councillor Liz Harvey, Ward Member for Ledbury North, said: “The aim of this development was to transform the existing car park into a gateway to the Master’s House, with a garden, public space and parking. It has been thrilling to see the project take shape and to present what is a fantastic improvement to the townscape and a wonderful space for community activities and public events.

“We have worked with a variety of partners during the project, and their contributions were all incredibly important. I would like to thank them on behalf of Ledbury for their time and support.”