A HEREFORDSHIRE drug dealer caught by police has been jailed for nine years.

David Evans ran a "refined and comprehensive drugs supply enterprise" into Hereford, Worcester Crown Court heard.

Evans, of Primrose Avenue, Clehonger, was said to be the leader of the enterprise.


Detective Constable Verity Farr of Hereford CID said Evans' crimes had a significant impact on the local community, and that he had also been involved in the manufacture of cannabis.

Evans, 38, was convicted of possession with intent to supply cocaine, possession with intent to supply cannabis, possession with intent to supply ketamine, and possessing criminal property when he appeared at Worcester Crown Court on Friday (24 May).

Detective Constable Verity Farr, of Hereford CID, said: “This sentence is welcomed as it reflects the seriousness of Evans’ offending. Officers from West Mercia Police will not tolerate the supply of controlled drugs and will work with the local community and partner agencies to combat it at every opportunity.”