A ROSS-ON-WYE councillor is urging any businesses that have been affected by flooding this week to get in touch with Welsh Water and make the appropriate claim. 

Broad Street is due to reopen by the end of today (Wednesday), said Coun Ed O'Drisoll, following last Sunday's torrential downpour that saw severe damage to roads and pavements. 

Nearby Brookend Street also bore the brunt, with storm water entering many premises. 


Coun O'Driscoll said he had a 45 minute Teams Call with senior management of Welsh Water earlier today (Wednesday) and was told that businesses will need to liaise with the firm to see if they get compensation.

"If your business has been affected - you need to speak to Welsh Water," he said. 

"Get on to them and make the appropriate claim. If it's because your business has been affected by flooding, most definitely, or if it's because it's been affected by lack of trade because the road has been closed - contact Welsh Water, get those claims in and let us know."

Hereford Times: Councillor Ed O'Driscoll surveys the damage in Broad Street.Councillor Ed O'Driscoll surveys the damage in Broad Street. (Image: Rob Davies)

He added that Hereford and South Herefordshire MP Jesse Norman was also on the call and said his office will be happy to liaise with businesses in order for claims to be processed. 

"Apparently the problem last night was caused by an unknown utility pipe of some description and they've had to find a way of working around it," said Coun O'Driscoll. 

"They've done it today and done an infill inside the old sewer main which has gone down quite a long way so will have some integrity. 

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"I've asked for a timetable for repairing the pavements and the roads will be following that up."

One business affected that was badly flooded was Now and Then, an antique shop in Brookend Street. 

"We've been sweeping up all the water and have dehumidifiers, lots of fans and doors open to get the air out," said Andy Worrall who owns the shop.  

Hereford Times: Andy Worrall's Now and Then shop was affected by last Sunday's floodsAndy Worrall's Now and Then shop was affected by last Sunday's floods (Image: Rob Davies)

"We'll try and open tomorrow (Thursday) for a few hours but we've not been able to tackle the whole floor space. There's a third at the back that will still be unusable for quite a while. 

"We've lost a lot of trade and stock and it's been touch and go - we're all a bit tired now."

A Welsh Water spokesperson said: "Following extensive rainfall in the area on Sunday, May, 12  we identified that a sewer running through Broad Street in Ross on Wye had collapsed.

"Our team has been working in the area repairing the pipe which we completed this afternoon. We are now reinstating the road and will be reopening the road this evening. 

"We have also been liaising closely with the businesses affected by the flooding and will continue to liaise with them on any losses.

"We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank the people for bearing with us."