A BIG new mobile phone mast could be coming to Hereford, if plans are approved by Herefordshire Council.

CK Hutchison Networks, the company behind Three UK, wants to put the 20-metre 5G mast at the side of Roman Road, near the Starting Gate roundabout and Holmer Road.

It has applied to Herefordshire Council's planning department for prior approval which, if granted, would see the mast installed along with equipment cabinets.


In documents submitted to planners, the company said it was committed to providing improved network coverage and capacity, especially with its 5G service.


A drawing of the new 5G mobile phone mast planned for Roman Road in Hereford. Picture: CK Hutchinson Networks/Herefordshire Council

A drawing of the new 5G mobile phone mast planned for Roman Road in Hereford. Picture: CK Hutchinson Networks/Herefordshire Council


5G is the newest type of phone service, giving faster internet access. Although some concerns over the safety of 5G have been raised in the past, it is considered safe.

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The company said that high-speed internet access on mobile phones was the "lifeblood of a community", bringing educational benefits, access to vital services and improving communications and commercial benefits for businesses.

It also said the new mast would help with an increased need and demand for working from home, as well as enjoying access to social, media and gaming for leisure time activities.


The company said the mast would not be detrimental to the look of the street, with the site alongside the Special Metal Wiggin factory. It had also looked at other locations in the area.

Comments on application 223652 can be made until November 24.