A PAEDOPHILE from Hereford who was caught with hundreds of child porn pictures has appeared in court.

Hereford Magistrates’ Court heard how Brandon Horncastle possessed almost 400 prohibited images of children, and had also made more than 40 indecent photographs of a child.

Lauren Millichip, prosecuting, said hundreds of the illegal pictures were found. Horncastle, a 25-year-old man of Standale Road, Hereford, possessed a total of 366 images, and had created 27 category C pictures and five category A pictures.

By law, category C refers to “erotic posing”, while category A is the most serious of categories.


Horncastle’s offences spanned almost seven years, and he pleaded guilty to three charges relating to making and possessing illegal pictures of children when he appeared before magistrates in Hereford earlier this month. The offending began in 2016, and went on until 2021.

Horncastle, represented by defence solicitor Chris Read, will appear at Worcester Crown Court for sentencing on May 29.

He has been released on unconditional bail, and a pre-sentence report will be prepared by the probation service.