AN ATTACKER from Hereford has been up before magistrates after assaulting an emergency worker and two other people in an incident.

Brad Bridges entered guilty pleas to one count of assault by beating, one count of assaulting a person thereby occasioning them actual bodily harm, and one count of assault by beating of an emergency worker when he appeared before magistrates in Hereford last month.

The court heard from the prosecutor that the 23-year-old had assaulted an emergency worker, namely a police officer who was acting in the exercise of his functions in an incident in Hereford on November 20, 2022.


Bridges also admitted assaulting another person by beating, and causing actual bodily harm to another on the same date.

Magistrates said that the actual bodily harm was “category B1” according to court guidelines.

Bridge’s case was adjourned and he will appear in court again for sentencing next month, with a pre-sentence report to be prepared.