A HEREFORD police officer was “obstructed or resisted” in an incident in the city, a court has heard.

Kade Hedley entered a guilty plea to one count of obstructing or resisting a constable in the execution of their duties when they appeared before magistrates last month.

The court heard from the prosecutor that the 26-year-old had obstructed or resisted a police officer who was acting in the execution of their duties in an incident in Hereford on September 9, 2022.


Hedley, of Railway Mews, Kingstone, was handed a £108 fine, with magistrates saying their guilty plea had been taken into account when deciding on the penalty.

Hedley was also ordered by Hereford magistrates to pay prosecution costs of £200 and a £43 victim surcharge, which is used to help fund services supporting victims of crime.

Hedley was represented at the hearing by Marilena Divitantonio, a defence solicitor for GC Law.