A HEREFORDSHIRE woman has been fined by a court after running a red light.

Zena Greene entered a guilty plea to one count of driving on a road other than a motorway and failing to comply with automatic red and green arrow signal equipment before magistrates in Bath on April 4.

This is an offence under the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.

The court heard the 49-year-old had been caught failing to comply with a red traffic light on the A4174 Station Road in Filton, Gloucestershire, on September 19 last year. The informant was listed as Avon and Somerset Constabulary.

The traffic signal was placed on or near the A4174 junction with Filton Avenue.


Greene, of Over Ross Street, Ross-on-Wye, was fined £239 and received three penalty points. She must also pay costs of £90 and a £95 victim surcharge.

She must pay the total £424 balance by May 30.

The hearing was conducted via single justice procedure.