A BMW driver has been banned and ordered to pay hundreds after he was caught drink-driving in Herefordshire.

Garry Coley pleaded guilty to one count of driving a vehicle while above the alcohol limit.

The court heard that the 40-year-old had been caught out behind the wheel of a BMW on the A466 in Herefordshire on February 10.

He had 71 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath. The limit is 35.

Coley, of Packer Avenue, Leicester, was fined £373 and disqualified from driving for 36 months at his sentencing in Leicester on April 24.


He was ordered to pay prosecution costs of £85 and no victim surcharge was ordered to be paid.

He was also prosecuted after admitting to drink-driving in Leicester on April 23. He was also fined £373 for this offence, and was handed a 36-month driving ban.

Coley can reduce his driving ban by 36 weeks if he completes a drink-driving awareness course by June 14, 2026.