A HEREFORD woman who assaulted three police officers has been sentenced, and must attend rehabilitation for alcohol problems.

On February 21, Suzanne Evans, 47, was said by prosecutor Owen Beale to have been drunk and disorderly when she assaulted three police officers by beating.

The incident took place in Malvern, Worcestershire, in the town’s Poolbrook Road.

Evans pleaded guilty to one count of being drunk and disorderly in a public place and three counts of assault by beating of an emergency worker.

Evans, of Commercial Road, Hereford, appeared at Hereford Magistrates’ Court on April 23, where she was handed a community order for alcohol treatment.


The order will mean she has to comply with instructions of a responsible probation officer for a maximum of 20 days as well as attending the six-month alcohol programme run by Turning Point in Hereford.

She was also ordered to pay compensation of £200 to one of the officers. She was not ordered to pay prosecution costs or a victim surcharge to allow compensation to take priority.

She has also been handed a 12-month conditional discharge for being drunk and disorderly in a public place.