A HEREFORD driver caught with a dodgy tyre and lights has been fined.

Neil Kenneth Bailey was proven guilty of one count of using a vehicle with tyres with insufficient tread, using a vehicle with a defective light, and using a vehicle without a test certificate by magistrates in Llanelli in March.

The court heard from the prosecutor that the 52-year-old had been caught out driving a Peugeot 208 in Llawrthyl, Powys, on August 10 last year.

But checks revealed that the grooves on the tread pattern of the rear offside tyre were less than the required 1.6 millimetres deep, and that the rear nearside light was defective and not illuminated.


There was also no test certificate in force for the vehicle.

Bailey, of Staddlestone Circle, Hereford, was fined £440 for the offences.

He was also ordered to pay prosecution costs of £90 and a £176 victim surcharge which is used to help fund services supporting victims.