I would have thought it was obvious that that an eastern bypass route would be the answer (Cost rises call Hereford’s eastern river crossing into question, December 22).

To be quite honest, I find all decisions made by our council a joke. I personally want better parking for motorcycles, after all they alleviate congestion.

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However, just recently I tried to park in the cycle park zone in St Peters Square and was approached by some kind of official telling me I couldn’t park there, and the assigned area for motorcycles was somewhere down by the duck pond.


Are they having a laugh? I’m doing my bit for congestion but I have to park half a mile away, when a car fills up a massive space in comparison. But it’s free and that’s less revenue isn’t it? It’s a farce.

Building a bypass on the west side not only has more obstacles, but also would destroy the better part of our countryside. There’s already a link from the A49 south of Hereford to Rotherwas. That only leaves Rotherwas to the Worcester road, then Worcester to A49 north. That’s also the side of the country where all the heavy traffic is coming from.

