A HEREFORDSHIRE care home has been visited by Care Quality Commission inspectors after concerns were received about the safety of residents.

Park House in Bromyard's Sherford Street, which supports up to nine adults with disabilities, received 'good' ratings for all five key questions asked at the inspection, which are whether it is safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led.

This saw it also gain an overall rating of 'good', with inspectors saying that they found no evidence during the inspection that people were at risk of harm from this concern.

The report said "safely recruited" and trained staff recognised and reported the risk of abuse, risks were , managed medicines safely, treated residents well, and supported and met their needs.

Residents were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives, privacy and dignity was respected, and processes were in place to record accidents and incidents, inspectors said.


Effective systems were found to be in place to prevent and control infections, while staff worked with other health and social organisations, and the registered manager understood their obligation under the duty of candour. 

A spokesperson for the SENAD Group, which is responsible for the home, offered its congratulations to the team for their most recent inspection. 

"Park House is a small home based in the lovely market town of Bromyard in Herefordshire, the spokesperson said.

"It's home to nine adults with autism, learning difficulties and other complex support needs, and registered manager Kimberly Fletcher-Stallard leads a small team of dedicated and experienced care support workers."