I WOULD like to say what an amazing event the Hereford art week h.Art is.

My wife and I spent three days trying to get round as many locations as possible.

As well as discovering delightful out-of-the way places, each venue was a delight. However, it was a struggle.

At each gallery there were so many pieces to view and fascinating and informative people to talk to, all fuelled by coffee, tea and cake, including a delicious Ukrainian cake in Wellington that had enough calories in it to keep their brave army going for a week.


 Every venue displayed original and bespoke pieces of work including artisan furniture, paintings, ceramics, glassware, silverware and sculpture.

The list seems endless. The organisers must be rightly proud of what can only be described as an art fair of international standing.

It is also beholden to the council for the far-sited way they support this event helping put Herefordshire on the map.

Best you get out buying early next year before the international buyers flock in and snap everything up. 




Sutton St Nicholas



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